Tip of the Day - Recycling with Nespresso
One thing that exasperates me in Dubai is how difficult it is to recycle here. Where it is possible to recycle, it can be a mission to go to the recycle bins to recycle items. Emarat has a recycle station in their petrol forecourts that seem to be constantly closed.When I was at home in England, I was reminded of how much recycling is carried out now. You can only leave one bag of rubbish for the dustbin men to collect every other week. The other week must be (washed) recycled items, which are collected by recycle lorries. There are also numerous recycle centers nearby to where my parents live, which are easy to access and where you can drop off excess recycle items (after a decluttering session) The council had started a new initiative where the residents have to put their biodegradable food items in biodegradable bags, which then go in the garden/brown bin for pick up every 2 weeks. On top of that if you have items which can be given to charity, you can call the charity such as Cancer Research UK to come and collect the items.Provisions such as above are limited or practically non-existent in the UAE. I have not heard of any apartment building actively having recycle centres along with the garbage chutes to enable us to recycle the huge amount of plastic (from all those water bottles) and other items. There are recycle bins in supermarket car parks but I have found they are overfull when I have gone to deposit items. It would be great if there was a collection service for recycle goods in each building as there is elsewhere in the world. You have collection services for nearly everything here, so why not for recycling.In the midst of all this recycle angst, I received an email from Nespresso UAE advising that they had started a recycling service called Ecolaboration. All you have to do is collect your capsules and return them to their stores to be recycled. I went today with my bag of capsules. The lovely lady at the counter advised that instead of using an old carrier bag (I was recycling!), I should use an Ecolaboration bag (see above) to put my future used capsules in. The bag will carry 100 capsules so it will take a while for me to fill it up and return it to the store for recycling. Looking at the Ecolaboration site (you are transferred to the UK site from the UAE one), you can enter your location in the UAE and it will advise the collection points. In the UK you can request for the used capsules to be collected when a delivery is made of new coffee capsules. I didn't check if that is possible here as well with deliveries to your office and home, but I presume so.It's a small thing but its a good start, now if only there was a way for the water companies to start a collection of their bottles for recycling.
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