Purge Your Files!
Have too many paper and electronic files? Does it seem to be increasing rather than decreasing?Follow these small tips to help you purge your files and save you time every week when you file:
1. Create a filing system for your electronic documents, that mirrors the one you have for paper.
2. Sort, file, and purge electronic information regularly, as well as your paper files.
3. Keep a file index (a master list of file names) - if possible create a database for easy data entry and searching. Check the index before creating a new file to avoid making duplicates. Also use it when deciding where to put new documents.
4. Refer to your company’s document retention policy for guidance on how long to keep documents.
5. Keep the most recent papers in the front of the file. Whenever you open it, the current information will be on top.
6. When you receive papers or electronic documents remember FAT - file, act and toss. Do this as soon as you get the document.
7. Allocate 30 minutes each week (choose the middle of the week), to file away your documents.
8. If an electronic copy of the document and don't need the paper document, shred it immediately.
9. Do not shred legal, auditing and financial documents without discussing with the relevant department first.
A document retention policy is essential in all companies for employees to be aware of what documents they should be saving and for how long. It is also a good guidance to help you archive hard and soft copies of documents and also destroying them.Decluttr Me can draft a document retention policy for your business to ensure that the company is compliant with laws and regulations at all times and employees are guided on time frames to save documents. Rather than spending money on storage, wasting time on unnecessary filing and wasting paper, implement a document retention policy.
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