What is more important - Organising or Decluttering?
What is more important, or superior - Organising or Decluttering? This is the question raised by Lani Rosales in her post which you can read here. I agree with the point that you can organise all you like but if your wardrobe (or other storage area) is full to the brim you still need to declutter first. This is what I explain to my clients when working with them in their homes and offices. If you still have to squeeze items into you're organised wardrobe or kitchen cupboard or filing room, and your items become creased or damaged, then it is a wasted system.You should always have approximately 20% free space in your storage areas to allow items to breathe and easily come in and out. When I create systems with my clients I ensure that we have space to enable you to access the items easily and to keep the items you use and need regularly.What do you think is more important in your life? Organising or Decluttering?
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