The Clutter Pile of Magazines


Magazine clutter seems to be an epidemic in the UAE in most households I visit. They seem to be everywhere - the living room, bedroom, bathroom, guest bathroom and even in the kitchen.When I ask clients why they keep the magazines the answers are usually:

a. I want to tear our some important articles and images to create a mood board or scrap book

b. I wrote an article in these magazines.c. It has useful information that might come handy one day.Do these reasons sound familiar to you? If you leave the magazines lying around, collecting dust and not being used, you create inertia and stagnant energy in the room. The magazines act like a wall blocking the energy within it. It's not healthy.Why not consider these ideas to clear the blocked energy created by this magazine wall:a. How long have you kept magazines waiting to create your mood board? Why not start an account with Pinterest and create online mood boards to look at any time on your computer or phone? I have various mood boards on Pinterest from decluttering, interior design, travel and cherry blossom (I love them) - you can check them out here and be inspired for your boards on the site.b. If you wrote an article in the magazine, can you access the article online or get a pdf of it from the publisher? Every time I am published, I request for the article in pdf to save in a specially labelled online folder. I also request for the website link so I can refer to the article in a blog. This means I save paper and clutter in my home.

c. Could the useful information you found in the magazine be found online? I'm guessing most probably, yes. Why not create a notebook in your Evernote account for links with handy tips so you can refer to at any time?

d. The magazines do not have to be thrown in the recycle bin; give them to workers and maids who will enjoy reading the articles and passing them to their friends and colleagues. I am sure they will appreciate receiving them even if they are back issues. Back home in England, I used to drop my old magazines at my GP Surgery so that the sick patients could read InStyle and Empire whilst they waited to see the doctor.

e. Moving forward, download the magazine onto your tablet or computer. If you wait a month, they are discounted and you reduce the physical clutter around you.Let me know if you clear your piles of magazines and even better send me your before and after photos :). 

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Media - Rasheda Khatun - The Power of Decluttering


Clear Your Clutter Into Cash