How to Declutter your Linkedin Connections


How many connections do you have on Linkedin? Over 500+? Do you accept every single invite you receive. Do you add each invidual you meet at networking events?

If you answered yes to the questions above, it is time to declutter your connections.I find that many people are adding anyone and everyone to look impressive on Linkedin with no thought to the value of the connection. Thinking that the more connections you have, the more impressive you seem to others is the same view people had many years ago with Facebook (thankfully it's not common now with Facebook). That view has to change with Linkedin; this is a business social media platform and should be used to help enhance your business and professional life.I recently had a declutter of my connections and removed over 300 individuals. This was the criteria for decluttering my Linkedin connections:

1. Only add people you have met and talked to for longer than a few seconds and you enjoyed talking to, or corresponded with for a period of time. If you were not comfortable talking to them face to face or corresponding with them, do you think you will feel comfortable referring or receiving referrals from this individual for your business?

2. Just because the individual sending the invitation request is a CEO, CFO, etc does not make them an ideal connection. If they have connected with you without interacting with you, be wary of adding them as a connection.

3. Review your connections every quarter. If you cannot remember the individual remove them. I also removed individuals who had not interacted on Linkedin at all during that quarter.

4. Do not add individuals with no photo or a limited profile. If they do not have the time to update their Linkedin Profile, they are most probably not on Linkedin often (and will not see your posts and updates) or are too lazy. Do you want to connect with that type of individual?

5. Profiles, messages and posts by a connection which have numerous spelling and grammatical mistakes shows a low attention to detail. If they do not have attention to detail when writing, they will not have the same attention to detail to refer your business to other parties.It is a tedious job to remove connections on Linkedin, but it is worth spending the time to ensure you have quality connections.

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