Clear Your Table, Clear Your Mind
I often get complaints from followers about their messy tables and desks desks, whether it be in their office, home office, children's desk at home or even the dining table. The tables and desks seem to be a magnet for clutter to accumulate.Whether you are at work or at home studying, it is important to have a clear desk to encourage you to be productive. The desk needs to be free of distraction and enable you to get on with your work easily. Here are some simple tips to help you clear your table, clear your mind:
1. Have the Bare Essentials on the Table TopHave your computer, phone, pen and notepad on the table or desk. Anything else can be put in the desk drawer on in a basket. I always clear the whole desk or table, and then decide what essentials I need to keep on my desk.
2. Remove decorative Items and Random pieces of PaperThose teddy bears, presents from colleagues, old business cards, scribbled post it notes are all clutter taking up valuable space on your desk. Unless it really inspires you or is used a lot during the day (like a stapler), then remove them of your table or desk.
3. Use Drawer Dividers and Small Boxes in your DrawersYou can get some great drawer dividers in Daiso to keep items organized in your drawers. I have purchased small boxes to fit in the drawers from Ikea and Zara Home as well to store stationary and paper clips.
4. Remove Any Items Off the FloorFolders next to your desk, papers under your feet, empty boxes surrounding you? Put them in a designated place or throw them away but remove them off your floor. The same goes for your walls, remove any posters or pictures on the wall which can distract you.
5. Use a Filing Tray as your In and Pending TrayI tend to use the acronym FAT (File, Act and Toss) for all paper that comes into my life but sometimes you have to put it away in the in-tray and pending tray. There should never be an out-tray in use. File or Toss the paper or item as soon as it is not needed on your desk or table any longer.Let me know if these tips help you to clear your table and clear your mind.
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