Discarding the Diaries and Journals


 Hands up if you have an old shoe box full of diaries and journals hidden somewhere in your home (or at your parents home)? If the hands are up, isn't time to considering discarding the diaries and journals?I remember when young, that one of my requests every year for Christmas would be for a new diary for the next year (preferably a glam one from Selfridges). I used to write all my angst in these diaries - the love and hate relationships with friends, falling in love with boys, watching movies and my favourite new musical artist, shopping and complaining about my parents and brother. Normal stuff; but when I found them in the family home in old shoes boxes, I cringed! I was such a loser when I was young!I decided that it was time to get rid of the old diaries and shredded them along with old cards and letters from old friends.  The only sentimental papers I kept were from my first boyfriend. He had a gift with writing letters and cards and well....If you have diaries stored in a box somewhere safe, how often do you look at them? If not very often, isn't it time to consider discarding them?First think about why you wrote in a diary or journal? With that in your mind, here are you options:

a. You wrote in them to help you when writing your biography - keep them.

b. You wrote in them for therapeutic reasons - shred or burn them.

c. You wrote in them to remind you of a happy period in your life - keep them.

d. You used them to vent your frustrations - shred or burn them.With the diaries that are being destroyed, there may be certain pages that you want to keep. If that is the case, rather than keeping a hard copy of the page, scan the page and store it in a folder on your hard drive or cloud, or alternatively clip them in a specific notebook called "Diary" created in Evernote or OneNote.

If you decide to keep the diaries and journals, keep them in an area you can easily access them every so often. Don't hide them again in a box in the back of a wardrobe or cupboard. Remember all your items should have a place in your home and should be part of your life. Review the diaries 6 months after you have completed this declutter process, and if you have not touched the diaries and they are not part of your life, it's time to ditch them.Let me know if you find the above helpful dealing with your diaries and journals. If you have destroyed your journals, what was the trigger for you?   

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