The Joy of Simplicity in the Bedroom
Your bedroom is the place for relaxation, sleep and recharging in your home, isn't it? Then why does your bedroom make you anxious from time to time? Is it because you have turned it into a home for clutter? If that is the case, you will not only keep feeling anxious, but you will not be able to relax completely even while you sleep. Think about what it would mean to you, and how much it would improve your time in your bedroom, if there were less things in it. Try to keep only the necessities in your bedroom visible. You can still keep all of the things you have in there, but take the time and effort to turn the chaos into order.Get baskets, or organizers and store the smaller things in them, and under your bed, or in your closet. Also put your closet into order. If you do not use half of your clothes, do not keep them, donate them. The less clutter – clothes – in your closet, the easier and less stressful and time-consuming it will be for you to get dressed.In the bedroom, you have to feel at peace, calm and relaxed, not strangled by all of the things surrounding you. Imagine how much more space you will have to breath in your bedroom, if there were fewer things in it.Put as many things as possible in other rooms, or in boxes and put them away under your bed. Not only will this give your bedroom more space and order, it will also help you greatly when you start cleaning your bedroom.Get yourself a hanging organizer for the things you use often – such as your hair curling iron, or blow dryer, and other things like that. Hang it on the inside of your closet's door, and you will have freed a lot of space from your dresser or night stand. You have books or magazines lying on your night stand? Put them in a bin near the bed. Have less knick-knack areas, and cleaning your bedroom will be as easy as apple pie.Put small things, such as your make-up and jewellery in your drawers, not laying on the dresser or night stand. Instead get yourself a jewellery box, or some old boxes (from shoes or smaller ones), or just by separators for your drawers and put your things in the drawer neatly organized.What you need to have in your bedroom is less things, and more space. You will notice how much better you will be sleeping, if there are less things in your bedroom to distract you. Plus, just imagine who easy and quickly you would be done with your bedroom cleaning. A quick and easy vacuuming and dusting, and you are ready to go.And just think about a hotel room for a second. What do you find in it? A bed, a night stand, a wardrobe and possibly a table and a chair. It is not because the hotel has little stars, it is because you go to a hotel to relax. And that is all that needs to be in the room you are going to use for relaxation.You do not need your bedroom to be cluttered with things, and memories. You can put all of your belongings in drawers, boxes, etc, and keep them neatly stacked away. Make your bedroom a better and more spacious place for you to relax in, to take a break from your daily worries and troubles.Free your bedroom from unnecessary things and belongings, and take your time to just breath, and find the beauty and joy in the simplicity of your bedroom.If you need help to declutter and organize your bedroom, book a consultation with us to find out how we can help you. Guest Author - Amber Cross (Tenancy Cleaning SW11) [twitter-follow username="decluttrme" scheme="dark"]
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