Declutter Your Handbag


 Do you have so much stuff in your various handbags?Never empty the contents of one before moving to the next handbag?Buying duplicates as you left the item in the other handbag?If you answered yes, to these questions, this blog is for you. But first, I have a confession to make today...I collect handbags.I know you may be in shock hearing this from a professional organiser, however, nearly everyone has an item that they are obsessed about collecting - from shoes, stamps, records and even foundation (once a client had 50 different types of foundation, which she said she needed for contouring!).However, I don't change my bags often. I use the same bag day to day for weeks. When I decide to change it, it is either because I have a new bag, bored of the one I am using, or it doesn't co-ordinate with my outfit.When changing bags, there will be a systematic, organised transition from one bag to another.I will spend five minutes taking out all the items from my bag as seen below (yep this is the regular content of my bags - maybe less medicine but it is cold/flu season right now):  This will all get transferred to the new bag.A lot of clients I have worked with change their bags on a daily basis (and sometimes more often). When changing their handbag, they don't clear out the unused handbag and transfer the items to the new one. Therefore when they need an item such as disinfectant wipes, they end up buying a new packet. The result - lots of unused clutter in their handbags.I often spend around 30 minutes going into client's handbags and emptying their contents into a box or reusable bag. Any items that have expired are recycled or thrown away. The box of decluttered items is put either in the car or in a location near the handbags so that the client can take an item needed from the box and add it to the currently used handbag.If you have a cluttered handbag, here are the steps to take to reorganise it and also make it lighter on your arm: 

  1. Take out all the contents of the bag including all the pockets.

  2. Shred any receipts that no longer valid and throw away any old tissues, sweet wrappers, etc.

  3. If you have two pairs of sunglasses or 5 lipsticks in your bag, choose the one you use most often and store the extra in the appropriate place at home. I keep my extra lipsticks in a bowl near the front door which I pick up if it will match my outfit for that day. You don't need several pens, just keep one good one in your bag at all times.

  4. Put the loose coins into your purse.

  5. Start putting the items back into your handbag, but take into consideration whether you really need that item in your handbag. Is it worth that item taking up the valuable real estate in your bag and making it weight more? If no, don't put it in the bag.

  6. Do the same exercise for your purse as well. If you have too many loyalty cards, check if you actually use it. If no, then destroy it. If you do use the card, add the card details to an app like Keyring. I use this app to store all my loyalty cards, and the cashier can scan the barcode from my phone.

  7. Mums, instead of overburdening your handbag, create a car bag which contains essentials such as toys, snacks, extra nappies, and blankets.

 When you change your bag, like me, spend around 5 minutes to take out the contents from the last used bag and put it into the new one. This will ensure you don't end up buying duplicates and will always have your bag essentials together. I usually do this exercise sitting on my bed before I go to sleep. If you need help to declutter and organise the contents of your handbag and your handbag collection as well, complete the contact form (click on the contact us above).


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