The Blame Game


Often I have potential clients call me to discuss the clutter problem in their home. Whilst discussing the clutter, they will advise that it is due to their spouse, child or maid. Often it is true; it is various members of the family assisting with accumulating with the clutter. I often find once I am in the house that there are various factors that have resulted in the clutter accumulating (and often it is not the blamed parties fault).

The blame game is strong in a lot of households, and there is a need to shift the negative blame out of the house. In this new podcast we discuss how to stop the game and start the decluttering process.

If you need help to declutter and organise with your family members, please get in touch with me by completing the contact form (click on the contact us above).

Thanks as always for listening to the DeCluttr Me podcasts.

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Decluttering & Organising Ahead of Having A Baby


Repeat Clutter