Decluttr Session - Bedroom

Before - bedside

Before - bedside

Before - wall

Before - wall

After - wall

After - wall

After - bedside cabinet

After - bedside cabinet

I started on a decluttr session in a bedroom recently. The whole room needed to be decluttered and organised after years of accumulating items. We started first with the bedside cabinet and surrounding area.Here is the before and after:  A lot of the items in the bags around the bedside cabinet were thrown away. The table top was cleared and we put the main items needed to be next to your bed, including water, tissue box, book and a few candles.There were a lot of business cards found which were stored in the clear box for now but will be reviewed by the client and either stored or discarded.The jewellery from the wall shelf and bedside cabinet were cleaned and sorted into donating, selling and keeping.The items that remained were put into boxes and stored on the dresser.

Before - dresser

Before - dresser

After - dresser

After - dresser

After - make-up

After - make-up

The majority of items on the dresser were put into the donate or sell pile leaving us with less clutter to deal with.The wooden box which had been on the shelf wall with old jewellery, was cleaned and all the make-up which had been stored in various parts of the room were stored in the box.         

This was a good start, but was a small section of the room. Next will be the book shelves and bags of items. Finally we will start on the wardrobe. Updates on these decluttering sessions will be coming soon.If you need more inspiration for decluttering your bedroom, there is a guidance note here to help. Sometimes starting the decluttering process is the hardest bit of the process, and this is where Decluttr Me can help. You can contact us using the form on the right to help you sort through the clutter and organise your items in your bedroom, or any room in your home or office.

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Decluttr Tip - Junk drawer


Decluttr Tip - Bedroom